Dennis Fordham Vauxhall Victor & Mitsi Colt

Dennis Fordham Vauxhall Victor & Mitsi Colt


What type of vehicle/s do you have? Vauxhall Victor Super 1957  Datsun 120Y Wagon

Joined the club with a Mitsubishi Colt 1100 F Written Off

What led to your interest in historic vehicles? Sons interest in old Colts

How long have you been a member of the A.A.A. Club? 7 years

What led you to join the Club? Somewhere to go and enjoy the colt

Where did you find your vehicle?
 Received colt from son unrestored
 Vauxhall acquired as is (previously restored)
 Datsun– Restoration in progress

Do you have any vehicle parts that you are looking for? Windscreen rubber for Vauxhall

What is the best run that you have been on? Anniversary run with Colt

Pic Dennis Fordham's Mitsubishi Colt at the AAAC Xmas lunch and Memorial Run

What is the longest trip that you have taken in your vehicle? In Vauxhall to Sydney and back

Did anything go wrong on that run? No Problems

Article ID: MITJ30

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