1949 Austin A40
What type of vehicle’s do you have? 1949 Austin A40 Devon
What led your interest in historic vehicles ? This was my first car
How long have you been a member of the A.A.A Club? 16 years
What led you to join the Club? Brian Collins
Where and how did you find your vehicles? Advertiser Paper
Was it restored or did you restore it yourself? No it was not restored I did that myself
How long did it take to restore and would you restore another? 2 years
Did you have any major problems during the restoration? Not really
Do you have any vehicles parts that you are looking for? Starter and Choke Knobs
What was the best run that you been on? The Kernewek Lowender Copper Coast Festival,I have been 9 times
Wat is the longest trip that you have taken in your vehicle? Copper Coast Festival
Did any thing go wrong? No
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